Northern Waterfall Tour​

The highlight of the tour is Senaru, a traditional village on the northern slope of Mount Rinjani. As the main gateway to Mount Rinjani, Senaru offers a unique cultural experience. On the way to Senaru you will drive through Pusuk Pass, a mountain road winding through dense jungle. Along the way, you will see monkeys lining the road, eagerly waiting for food. From Senaru, hike to the magnificent Sendang Gila Waterfall. Marvel at the water cascading from Mount Rinjani and enjoy the stunning panoramic views. Conclude your tour with a drive along the scenic Malimbu Cliff. This beautiful winding road offers breathtaking panoramas of the north-western coastline and rolling hills, providing the perfect ending to your tour.


  • IDR850,000 net/person (min. 2 persons)
  • IDR800,000 net/person (3-4 persons)
  • Children policy: under 6 years free of 6-12 years chargeable at 50% discount.
  • Inclusive of insurance, entrance fee, and local guide


  • Sunscreen and hat
  • Mosquito cream
  • Pocket money
  • Sneakers or proper sandals.
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