Green Country Side Tour​

Begin your journey with a scenic drive along the Malimbu Cliff, where winding roads unveil breathtaking coastal vistas and rolling hills. Continue to Pusuk Pass, nestled within the lush jungle of Gunung Rinjani National Park. Here, cool mountain air accompanies you as you encounter playful monkeys lining the road, eager for treats. Descend to Gunung Sari, the heart of bamboo furniture production, where traditional craftsmanship thrives. After a satisfying lunch in Mataram, traverse countryside roads to Karang Bayan hillside village. Immerse yourself in its fresh atmosphere and traditional homes crafted from bamboo, wood, and thatched roofs. Spend time honing your skills in traditional basket weaving. Conclude your adventure in Suranadi, a verdant recreational forest housing the sacred Hindu Water Temple. Witness the mystical presence of holy eel fish as you soak in the lush greenery and serene ambiance of this spiritual sanctuary.


  • IDR650,000 net/person (min. 2 persons)
  • IDR600,000 net/person (3-4 persons)
  • Children policy: under 6 years free of 6-12 years chargeable at 50% discount.
  • Inclusive of insurance, entrance fee, and local guide


  • Sunscreen and hat
  • Mosquito cream
  • Pocket money
  • Sneakers or proper sandals
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