Sasak Traditional Tour​

Your adventure will start in Banyumulek, a village renowned for its traditional handmade pottery. Witness skilled artisans at work and perhaps try your hand at crafting your own piece. Your next destination would be Sukarara, famous for its traditional weaving. Discover the intricate process of creating beautiful, handwoven fabrics that showcase Lombok’s rich textile heritage. Continue to Sade Village, where time seems to stand still. Experience the unchanged house styles and immerse yourself in the enduring culture of the local Sasak people. End your tour on the pristine, white sandy shores of Tanjung Aan. Relax by the beach, and for an unforgettable finish, choose to enjoy the sunset from Bukit Merese, offering panoramic views and a perfect end to your day.


  • IDR650,000 net/person (min. 2 persons)
  • IDR600,000 net/person (3-4 persons)
  • Children policy: under 6 years free of 6-12 years chargeable at 50% discount.
  • Inclusive of insurance, entrance fee, and local


  • Sunscreen and hat
  • Pocket
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